Source code for panoptes.utils.config.client

import os

import requests
from loguru import logger
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

from panoptes.utils.error import InvalidConfig
from panoptes.utils.serializers import from_json
from panoptes.utils.serializers import to_json

[docs]def server_is_running(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Thin-wrapper to check server.""" try: return get_config(endpoint='heartbeat', verbose=False, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'server_is_running error (ignore if just starting server): {e!r}') return False
[docs]def get_config(key=None, default=None, host=None, port=None, endpoint='get-config', parse=True, verbose=False ): """Get a config item from the config server. Return the config entry for the given ``key``. If ``key=None`` (default), return the entire config. Nested keys can be specified as a string, as per `scalpl <>`_. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> get_config(key='name') 'Testing PANOPTES Unit' >>> get_config(key='location.horizon') <Quantity 30. deg> >>> # With no parsing, the raw string (including quotes) is returned. >>> get_config(key='location.horizon', parse=False) '"30 deg"' >>> get_config(key='cameras.devices[1].model') 'canon_gphoto2' >>> # Returns `None` if key is not found. >>> foobar = get_config(key='foobar') >>> foobar is None True >>> # But you can supply a default. >>> get_config(key='foobar', default='baz') 'baz' >>> # key and default are first two parameters. >>> get_config('foobar', 'baz') 'baz' >>> # Can use Quantities as well. >>> from astropy import units as u >>> get_config('foobar', 42 * u.meter) <Quantity 42. m> Notes: By default all calls to this function will log at the `trace` level because there are some calls (e.g. during POCS operation) that will be quite noisy. Setting `verbose=True` changes those to `debug` log levels for an individual call. Args: key (str): The key to update, see Examples in :func:`get_config` for details. default (str, optional): The config server port, defaults to 6563. host (str, optional): The config server host. First checks for PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST env var, defaults to 'localhost'. port (str or int, optional): The config server port. First checks for PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST env var, defaults to 6563. endpoint (str, optional): The relative url endpoint to use for getting the config items, default 'get-config'. See `server_is_running()` for example of usage. parse (bool, optional): If response should be parsed by :func:`panoptes.utils.serializers.from_json`, default True. verbose (bool, optional): Determines the output log level, defaults to True (i.e. `debug` log level). See notes for details. Returns: dict: The corresponding config entry. Raises: Exception: Raised if the config server is not available. """ log_level = 'DEBUG' if verbose else 'TRACE' host = host or os.getenv('PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST', 'localhost') port = port or os.getenv('PANOPTES_CONFIG_PORT', 6563) url = f'http://{host}:{port}/{endpoint}' config_entry = default try: logger.log(log_level, f'Calling get_config on url={url!r} with key={key!r}') response =, json={'key': key, 'verbose': verbose}) if not response.ok: # pragma: no cover raise InvalidConfig(f'Config server returned invalid JSON: {response.content!r}') except ConnectionError: logger.debug('Bad connection to config-server. Check to make sure it is running.') except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(f'Problem with get_config: {e!r}') else: response_text = response.text.strip() logger.log(log_level, f'Decoded response_text={response_text!r}') if response_text != 'null': logger.log(log_level, f'Received config key={key!r} response_text={response_text!r}') if parse: logger.log(log_level, f'Parsing config results: response_text={response_text!r}') config_entry = from_json(response_text) else: config_entry = response_text if config_entry is None: logger.log(log_level, f'No config entry found, returning default={default!r}') config_entry = default logger.log(log_level, f'Config key={key!r}: config_entry={config_entry!r}') return config_entry
[docs]def set_config(key, new_value, host=None, port=None, parse=True): """Set config item in config server. Given a `key` entry, update the config to match. The `key` is a dot accessible string, as given by `scalpl <>`_. See Examples in :func:`get_config` for details. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> # Can use astropy units. >>> set_config('location.horizon', 35 * {'location.horizon': <Quantity 35. deg>} >>> get_config(key='location.horizon') <Quantity 35. deg> >>> # String equivalent works for 'deg', 'm', 's'. >>> set_config('location.horizon', '30 deg') {'location.horizon': <Quantity 30. deg>} Args: key (str): The key to update, see Examples in :func:`get_config` for details. new_value (scalar|object): The new value for the key, can be any serializable object. host (str, optional): The config server host. First checks for PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST env var, defaults to 'localhost'. port (str or int, optional): The config server port. First checks for PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST env var, defaults to 6563. parse (bool, optional): If response should be parsed by :func:`panoptes.utils.serializers.from_json`, default True. Returns: dict: The updated config entry. Raises: Exception: Raised if the config server is not available. """ host = host or os.getenv('PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST', 'localhost') port = port or os.getenv('PANOPTES_CONFIG_PORT', 6563) url = f'http://{host}:{port}/set-config' json_str = to_json({key: new_value}) config_entry = None try: # We use our own serializer so pass as `data` instead of `json`. logger.debug(f'Calling set_config on url={url!r}') response =, data=json_str, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'} ) if not response.ok: # pragma: no cover raise Exception(f'Cannot access config server: {response.text}') except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Problem with set_config: {e!r}') else: if parse: config_entry = from_json(response.content.decode('utf8')) else: config_entry = response.json() return config_entry