Source code for panoptes.utils.config.server

import logging
import os
from multiprocessing import Process

from flask import Flask
from flask import jsonify
from flask import request
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
from loguru import logger
from scalpl import Cut

from panoptes.utils.config.helpers import load_config
from panoptes.utils.config.helpers import save_config

# Turn off noisy logging for Flask wsgi server.

app = Flask(__name__)

[docs]def config_server(config_file, host=None, port=None, load_local=True, save_local=False, auto_start=True, access_logs=None, error_logs='logger', ): """Start the config server in a separate process. A convenience function to start the config server. Args: config_file (str or None): The absolute path to the config file to load. host (str, optional): The config server host. First checks for PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST env var, defaults to 'localhost'. port (str or int, optional): The config server port. First checks for PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST env var, defaults to 6563. load_local (bool, optional): If local config files should be used when loading, default True. save_local (bool, optional): If setting new values should auto-save to local file, default False. auto_start (bool, optional): If server process should be started automatically, default True. access_logs ('default' or `logger` or `File`-like or None, optional): Controls access logs for the gevent WSGIServer. The `default` string will cause access logs to go to stderr. The string `logger` will use the panoptes logger. A File-like will write to file. The default `None` will turn off all access logs. error_logs ('default' or 'logger' or `File`-like or None, optional): Same as `access_logs` except we use our `logger` as the default. Returns: multiprocessing.Process: The process running the config server. """'Starting panoptes-config-server with config_file={config_file!r}') config = load_config(config_files=config_file, load_local=load_local, parse=False) logger.success(f'Config server Loaded {len(config)} top-level items') # Add an entry to control running of the server. config['config_server'] = dict(running=True) logger.success(f'{config!r}') cut_config = Cut(config) with app.app_context(): app.config['config_file'] = config_file app.config['save_local'] = save_local app.config['load_local'] = load_local app.config['POCS'] = config app.config['POCS_cut'] = cut_config'Config items saved to flask config-server') # Set up access and error logs for server. access_logs = logger if access_logs == 'logger' else access_logs error_logs = logger if error_logs == 'logger' else error_logs def start_server(host='localhost', port=6563): try:'Starting panoptes config server with {host}:{port}') http_server = WSGIServer((host, int(port)), app, log=access_logs, error_log=error_logs) http_server.serve_forever() except OSError: logger.warning( f'Problem starting config server, is another config server already running?') return None except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Problem starting config server: {e!r}') return None host = host or os.getenv('PANOPTES_CONFIG_HOST', 'localhost') port = port or os.getenv('PANOPTES_CONFIG_PORT', 6563) cmd_kwargs = dict(host=host, port=port) logger.debug(f'Setting up config server process with cmd_kwargs={cmd_kwargs!r}') server_process = Process(target=start_server, daemon=True, kwargs=cmd_kwargs) if auto_start: server_process.start() return server_process
[docs]@app.route('/heartbeat', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def heartbeat(): """A simple echo service to be used for a heartbeat. Defaults to looking for the 'config_server.running' bool value, although a different `key` can be specified in the POST. """ params = dict() if request.method == 'GET': params = request.args elif request.method == 'POST': params = request.get_json() key = params.get('key', 'config_server.running') if key is None: key = 'config_server.running' is_running = app.config['POCS_cut'].get(key, False) return jsonify(is_running)
[docs]@app.route('/get-config', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def get_config_entry(): """Get config entries from server. Endpoint that responds to GET and POST requests and returns configuration item corresponding to provided key or entire configuration. The key entries should be specified in dot-notation, with the names corresponding to the entries stored in the configuration file. See the `scalpl <>`_ documentation for details on the dot-notation. The endpoint should receive a JSON document with a single key named ``"key"`` and a value that corresponds to the desired key within the configuration. For example, take the following configuration: .. code:: javascript { 'location': { 'elevation': 3400.0, 'latitude': 19.55, 'longitude': 155.12, } } To get the corresponding value for the elevation, pass a JSON document similar to: .. code:: javascript '{"key": "location.elevation"}' Returns: str: The json string for the requested object if object is found in config. Otherwise a json string with ``status`` and ``msg`` keys will be returned. """ params = dict() if request.method == 'GET': params = request.args elif request.method == 'POST': params = request.get_json() verbose = params.get('verbose', True) log_level = 'DEBUG' if verbose else 'TRACE' # If requesting specific key logger.log(log_level, f'Received params={params!r}') if request.is_json: try: key = params['key'] logger.log(log_level, f'Request contains key={key!r}') except KeyError: return jsonify({ 'success': False, 'msg': "No valid key found. Need json request: {'key': <config_entry>}" }) if key is None: # Return all logger.log(log_level, 'No valid key given, returning entire config') show_config = app.config['POCS'] else: try: logger.log(log_level, f'Looking for key={key!r} in config') show_config = app.config['POCS_cut'].get(key, None) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Error while getting config item: {e!r}') show_config = None else: # Return entire config logger.log(log_level, 'No valid key given, returning entire config') show_config = app.config['POCS'] logger.log(log_level, f'Returning show_config={show_config!r}') logger.log(log_level, f'Returning {show_config!r}') return jsonify(show_config)
[docs]@app.route('/set-config', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def set_config_entry(): """Sets an item in the config. Endpoint that responds to GET and POST requests and sets a configuration item corresponding to the provided key. The key entries should be specified in dot-notation, with the names corresponding to the entries stored in the configuration file. See the `scalpl <>`_ documentation for details on the dot-notation. The endpoint should receive a JSON document with a single key named ``"key"`` and a value that corresponds to the desired key within the configuration. For example, take the following configuration: .. code:: javascript { 'location': { 'elevation': 3400.0, 'latitude': 19.55, 'longitude': 155.12, } } To set the corresponding value for the elevation, pass a JSON document similar to: .. code:: javascript '{"location.elevation": "1000 m"}' Returns: str: If method is successful, returned json string will be a copy of the set values. On failure, a json string with ``status`` and ``msg`` keys will be returned. """ params = dict() if request.method == 'GET': params = request.args elif request.method == 'POST': params = request.get_json() if params is None: return jsonify({ 'success': False, 'msg': "Invalid. Need json request: {'key': <config_entry>, 'value': <new_values>}" }) try: app.config['POCS_cut'].update(params) except KeyError: for k, v in params.items(): app.config['POCS_cut'].setdefault(k, v) # Config has been modified so save to file. save_local = app.config['save_local']'Setting config save_local={save_local!r}') if save_local and app.config['config_file'] is not None: save_config(app.config['config_file'], app.config['POCS_cut'].copy()) return jsonify(params)
[docs]@app.route('/reset-config', methods=['POST']) def reset_config(): """Reset the configuration. An endpoint that accepts a POST method. The json request object must contain the key ``reset`` (with any value). The method will reset the configuration to the original configuration files that were used, skipping the local (and saved file). .. note:: If the server was originally started with a local version of the file, those will be skipped upon reload. This is not ideal but hopefully this method is not used too much. Returns: str: A json string object containing the keys ``success`` and ``msg`` that indicate success or failure. """ params = dict() if request.method == 'GET': params = request.args elif request.method == 'POST': params = request.get_json() logger.warning(f'Resetting config server') if params['reset']: # Reload the config config = load_config(config_files=app.config['config_file'], load_local=app.config['load_local'], parse=params.get('parse', False) ) # Add an entry to control running of the server. config['config_server'] = dict(running=True) app.config['POCS'] = config app.config['POCS_cut'] = Cut(config) else: return jsonify({ 'success': False, 'msg': "Invalid. Need json request: {'reset': True}" }) return jsonify({ 'success': True, 'msg': f'Configuration reset' })