Source code for panoptes.utils.database.base

import abc

from loguru import logger
from panoptes.utils.library import load_module
from panoptes.utils.time import current_time

[docs]def create_storage_obj(collection, data, obj_id): """Wrap the data in a dict along with the id and a timestamp.""" return dict(_id=obj_id, data=data, type=collection, date=current_time(datetime=True))
[docs]def get_db_class(module_name='file'): """Load the main DB class for the module of the given name. .. note:: This is used by the `PanDB` constructor to determine the correct database type. Normal DB instantiation should be done via the `PanDB()` class with the desired `db_type` parameter set. See example in `PanDB` below. Args: module_name (str): Name of module, one of: `file` (default), 'memory'. Returns: `panoptes.utils.database.PanDB`: An instance of the db class for the correct database type. Raises: Exception: If an unsupported database type string is passed. """ class_map = { 'file': 'PanFileDB', 'memory': 'PanMemoryDB', } full_module_name = f'panoptes.utils.database.{module_name}' try: db_module = load_module(full_module_name) return getattr(db_module, class_map[module_name]) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'Unsupported database type: {full_module_name}: {e!r}')
[docs]class AbstractPanDB(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, db_name=None, **kwargs): """ Init base class for db instances. Args: db_name: Name of the database, typically 'panoptes' or 'panoptes_testing'. """ self.db_name = db_name'Creating PanDB {self.db_name}')
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def insert_current(self, collection, obj, store_permanently=True): # pragma: no cover """Insert an object into both the `current` collection and the collection provided. Args: collection (str): Name of valid collection within the db. obj (dict or str): Object to be inserted. store_permanently (bool): Whether to also update the collection, defaults to True. Returns: str: identifier of inserted record. If `store_permanently` is True, will be the identifier of the object in the `collection`, otherwise will be the identifier of object in the `current` collection. These may or may not be the same. Returns None if unable to insert into the collection. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def insert(self, collection, obj): # pragma: no cover """Insert an object into the collection provided. The `obj` to be stored in a collection should include the `type` and `date` metadata as well as a `data` key that contains the actual object data. If these keys are not provided then `obj` will be wrapped in a corresponding object that does contain the metadata. Args: collection (str): Name of valid collection within the db. obj (dict or str): Object to be inserted. Returns: str: identifier of inserted record in `collection`. Returns None if unable to insert into the collection. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_current(self, collection): # pragma: no cover """Returns the most current record for the given collection Args: collection (str): Name of the collection to get most current from Returns: dict|None: Current object of the collection or None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def find(self, collection, obj_id): # pragma: no cover """Find an object by it's identifier. Args: collection (str): Collection to search for object. obj_id (ObjectID|str): Record identifier returned earlier by insert or insert_current. Returns: dict|None: Object matching identifier or None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def clear_current(self, type): # pragma: no cover """Clear the current record of a certain type Args: type (str): The type of entry in the current collection that should be cleared. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class PanDB(object): """Simple class to load the appropriate DB type based on the config. We don't actually create instances of this class, but instead create an instance of the 'correct' type of db. .. doctest: >>> from panoptes.utils.database import PanDB >>> type(PanDB(db_type='file')) <class 'panoptes.utils.database.file.PanFileDB'> >>> type(PanDB('memory')) <class 'panoptes.utils.database.memory.PanMemoryDB'> >>> # Make a new instance of the db. >>> memory_db = PanDB(db_type='memory') >>> # Returns None if noe record. >>> memory_db.get_current('safety') >>> insert_id = memory_db.insert_current('safety', True) >>> record = memory_db.get_current('safety') >>> record['data'] True """ def __new__(cls, db_type='memory', db_name=None, *args, **kwargs): """Create an instance based on db_type.""" # Load the correct DB module DatabaseModule = get_db_class(db_type) if db_type == 'memory': # The memory type has special setup db_instance = DatabaseModule.get_or_create(**kwargs) else: db_instance = DatabaseModule(**kwargs) return db_instance
[docs] @classmethod def permanently_erase_database(cls, db_type, db_name, storage_dir=None, really=False, dangerous=False, *args, **kwargs): """Permanently delete the contents of the identified database.""" if not isinstance(db_name, str) or 'test' not in db_name: raise ValueError(f'permanently_erase_database() called for non-test database {db_name!r}') if really != 'Yes' or dangerous != 'Totally': raise Exception('PanDB.permanently_erase_database called with invalid args!') # Load the correct DB module and do the deletion. get_db_class(db_type).permanently_erase_database(db_name, storage_dir=storage_dir, *args, **kwargs)