Source code for panoptes.utils.error

import sys

from loguru import logger

[docs]class PanError(Exception): """ Base class for Panoptes errors """ def __init__(self, msg=None, exit=False): self.msg = msg if self.msg: logger.error(str(self)) if exit: self.exit_program(self.msg)
[docs] def exit_program(self, msg=None): """ Kills running program """ if not msg: self.msg = 'No reason specified' # Show on current display. logger.add(sys.stderr, format='<red><b>{message}</></>') logger.critical(f"TERMINATING: {self.msg}") sys.exit(1)
def __str__(self): error_str = str(self.__class__.__name__) if self.msg: error_str += ': {}'.format(self.msg) return error_str
[docs]class InvalidSystemCommand(PanError): """ Error for a system level command malfunction """ def __init__(self, msg='Problem running system command', **kwargs): super().__init__(msg, **kwargs)
[docs]class InvalidDeserialization(PanError): """ Error for serialization errors """ def __init__(self, msg='Problem deserializing', **kwargs): super().__init__(msg, **kwargs)
[docs]class InvalidSerialization(PanError): """ Error for serialization errors """ def __init__(self, msg='Problem Serializing', **kwargs): super().__init__(msg, **kwargs)
[docs]class Timeout(PanError): """ Error called when an event times out """ def __init__(self, msg='Timeout waiting for event', **kwargs): super().__init__(msg, **kwargs)
[docs]class NoObservation(PanError): """ Generic no Observation """ def __init__(self, msg='No valid observations found.', **kwargs): super().__init__(msg, **kwargs)
[docs]class NotFound(PanError): """ Generic not found class """ pass
[docs]class AlreadyExists(PanError): """ Generic already exists class """ pass
[docs]class InvalidConfig(PanError): """ PanError raised if config file is invalid """ pass
[docs]class InvalidCommand(PanError): """ PanError raised if a system command does not run """ pass
[docs]class InvalidMountCommand(PanError): """ PanError raised if attempting to send command that doesn't exist """ pass
[docs]class InvalidObservation(NotFound): """PanError raised if a field is invalid.""" pass
[docs]class BadConnection(PanError): """ PanError raised when a connection is bad """ pass
[docs]class BadSerialConnection(PanError): """ PanError raised when serial command is bad """ pass
[docs]class ArduinoDataError(PanError): """PanError raised when there is something very wrong with Arduino information.""" pass
[docs]class MountNotFound(NotFound): """ Mount cannot be import """ def __init__(self, msg='Mount Not Found', **kwargs): super().__init__(msg, **kwargs)
[docs]class CameraNotFound(NotFound): """ Camera cannot be imported """ pass
[docs]class DomeNotFound(NotFound): """Dome device not found.""" pass
[docs]class SolveError(NotFound): """ Camera cannot be imported """ pass
[docs]class TheSkyXError(PanError): """ Errors from TheSkyX """ pass
[docs]class TheSkyXKeyError(TheSkyXError): """ Errors from TheSkyX because bad key passed """ pass
[docs]class TheSkyXTimeout(TheSkyXError): """ Errors from TheSkyX because bad key passed """ pass
[docs]class GoogleCloudError(PanError): """ Errors related to google cloud """ pass
[docs]class NotSupported(PanError, NotImplementedError): """ Errors from trying to use hardware features not supported by a particular model """ pass
[docs]class IllegalValue(PanError, ValueError): """ Errors from trying to hardware parameters to values not supported by a particular model """ pass