Source code for panoptes.utils.horizon

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u

from panoptes.utils.utils import get_quantity_value

# Implicit variable used to indicate no obstruction at a given az

[docs]class Obstruction(object): def __init__(self, points_list): """ An obstruction is defined by a list of alt, az pairs in clockwise ordering. Args: points_list (list): The list of points, e.g. [[alt1, az1], [alt2, az2]]. """ super().__init__() alt_list = [] az_list = [] if len(points_list) < 2: raise ValueError("Need at least two points for obstruction.") for p in points_list: if len(p) != 2: raise ValueError("points_list must be provided as alt/az pairs.") alt = get_quantity_value(p[0], u.deg) az = get_quantity_value(p[1], u.deg) if az < 0: az += 360 if abs(alt) > 90: raise ValueError("Altitudes must be between ±90 deg.") if (az < 0) or (az > 360): raise ValueError("Azimuths must be between 0 and 360 deg.") alt_list.append(alt) az_list.append(az) self._alt_list = alt_list # Get clockwise angles between first point and all other points self._az0 = az_list[0] self._az_offset = self._get_az_offsets(az_list) # Ensure azimuths are ordered clockwise # We could sort the azimuth offsets to enforce this automatically, but safer to make user # explicitly provide ordered points if not (np.diff(self._az_offset) > 0).all(): raise ValueError("Azimuths must be ordered clockwise.")
[docs] def get_horizon(self, az): """ Get the horizon level in degrees at a given azimuth. Args: az (float or astropy.Quantity): The azimuth. If float, assumed in degrees. Returns: astropy.Quantity: The angular horizon level. """ # Get azimuth offset from first point of obstruction az = get_quantity_value(az, u.deg) az_offset = self._get_az_offsets(np.array([az]))[0] # Return NO_HORIZON if no intersection with obstruction if az_offset < self._az_offset.min() or az_offset > self._az_offset.max(): return NO_HORIZON alt = np.interp(az_offset, xp=self._az_offset, fp=self._alt_list) * u.deg return alt
def _get_az_offsets(self, az_list): """ Return the angular offset between az_array and first point in obstruction. Args: az_array (np.array): The array of azimuths in degrees. Returns: np.array: The array of azimuth offsets in degrees. """ az_array = np.array([get_quantity_value(az, u.deg) for az in az_list]) az_offset = az_array - self._az0 az_offset[az_offset < 0] += 360 return az_offset
[docs]class Horizon(object): """A simple class to define some coordinate points. Accepts a list of lists where each list consists of two points corresponding to an altitude (0-90) and an azimuth (0-360). The list of points for a given obstruction must be in clockwise ordering. If azimuth is a negative number (but greater than -360) then 360 will be added to put it in the correct range. The list are points that are obstruction points beyond the default horizon. """ def __init__(self, obstructions=None, default_horizon=30): """Create a list of horizon obstruction points. Each item in the `obstructions` list should be two or more points, where each point is an `[Alt, Az]` coordinate. Example: An example `obstruction_point` list:: [ [[40, 30], [40, 75]], # From azimuth 30° to 75° there is an # obstruction that is at 40° altitude [[50, 180], [40, 200]], # From azimuth 180° to 200° there is # an obstruction that slopes from 50° # to 40° altitude ] Args: obstructions (list(list(list)), optional): A list of obstructions where each obstruction consists of a set of lists. The individual lists are alt/az pairs. Defaults to empty list in which case the `default_horizon` defines a flat horizon. default_horizon (float, optional): A default horizon to be used whenever there is no obstruction. """ super().__init__() # Parse obstruction list if obstructions is None: obstructions = [] self.obstructions = [Obstruction(obs) for obs in obstructions] # Add default horizon self._default_horizon = get_quantity_value(default_horizon, "deg") * u.deg # Calculate horizon at each integer azimuth # This is included for backwards compatibility with POCS self.horizon_line = np.zeros(360, dtype="float") for i in range(360): self.horizon_line[i] = self.get_horizon(i).to_value(u.deg)
[docs] def get_horizon(self, az): """ Get the horizon level in degrees at a given azimuth. Args: az (float or astropy.Quantity): The azimuth. If float, assumed in degrees. Returns: astropy.Quantity: The angular horizon level. """ az = get_quantity_value(az, "deg") * u.deg # If there are no obstructions at this az, use the default horizon horizon = self._default_horizon ob_horizons = [] # Find obstruction horizons at this az if any exist for ob in self.obstructions: hor = ob.get_horizon(az) if hor != NO_HORIZON: ob_horizons.append(hor) # If there are any obstructions specified at this Az, used the one with the highest altitude if ob_horizons: horizon = max(ob_horizons) return horizon