Source code for panoptes.utils.images

import os
from _warnings import warn
from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from panoptes.utils.images.cr2 import cr2_to_jpg
from panoptes.utils.images.fits import fits_to_jpg

[docs]def make_pretty_image(fname, title=None, img_type=None, link_path=None, **kwargs) -> Optional[Path]: """Make a pretty image. This will create a jpg file from either a CR2 (Canon) or FITS file. Arguments: fname (str): The path to the raw image. title (None|str, optional): Title to be placed on image, default None. img_type (None|str, optional): Image type of fname, one of '.cr2' or '.fits'. The default is `None`, in which case the file extension of fname is used. link_path (None|str, optional): Path to location that image should be symlinked. The directory must exist. **kwargs {dict} -- Additional arguments to be passed to external script. Returns: str -- Filename of image that was created. """ if img_type is None: img_type = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] if not os.path.exists(fname): warn(f"File doesn't exist, can't make pretty: {fname}") return None elif img_type == '.cr2': pretty_path = cr2_to_jpg(Path(fname), title=title, **kwargs) elif img_type in ['.fits', '.fz']: pretty_path = fits_to_jpg(fname, title=title, **kwargs) else: warn("File must be a Canon CR2 or FITS file.") return None if link_path is None or not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(link_path)): return Path(pretty_path) # Remove existing symlink with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(link_path) try: os.symlink(pretty_path, link_path) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover warn(f"Can't link latest image: {e!r}") return Path(link_path)