Source code for panoptes.utils.library

import ctypes
import ctypes.util

from astropy.utils import resolve_name
from loguru import logger
from panoptes.utils import error

[docs]def load_c_library(name, path=None, mode=ctypes.DEFAULT_MODE, **kwargs): """Utility function to load a shared/dynamically linked library (.so/.dylib/.dll). The name and location of the shared library can be manually specified with the library_path argument, otherwise the ctypes.util.find_library function will be used to try to locate based on library_name. Args: name (str): name of the library (without 'lib' prefix or any suffixes, e.g. 'fli'). path (str, optional): path to the library e.g. '/usr/local/lib/'. mode (int, optional): mode in which to load the library, see dlopen(3) man page for details. Should be one of ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL, ctypes.RTLD_LOCAL, or ctypes.DEFAULT_MODE. Default is ctypes.DEFAULT_MODE. Returns: ctypes.CDLL Raises: pocs.utils.error.NotFound: raised if library_path not given & find_library fails to locate the library. OSError: raises if the ctypes.CDLL loader cannot load the library. """ if mode is None: # Interpret a value of None as the default. mode = ctypes.DEFAULT_MODE # Open library logger.debug(f"Opening {name} library") if not path: path = ctypes.util.find_library(name) if not path: raise error.NotFound(f"Cound not find {name} library!") # This CDLL loader will raise OSError if the library could not be loaded return ctypes.CDLL(path, mode=mode)
[docs]def load_module(module_name): """Dynamically load a module. >>> from panoptes.utils.library import load_module >>> error = load_module('panoptes.utils.error') >>> error.__name__ 'panoptes.utils.error' >>> error.__package__ 'panoptes.utils' Args: module_name (str): Name of module to import. Returns: module: an imported module name Raises: error.NotFound: If module cannot be imported. """ try: module = resolve_name(module_name) except ImportError: raise error.NotFound(msg=module_name) return module