Source code for panoptes.utils.serializers

import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import suppress
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from dateutil.parser import isoparse as date_parse
from panoptes.utils import error
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from ruamel.yaml.compat import StringIO

[docs]class StringYAML(YAML):
[docs] def dump(self, data, stream=None, **kwargs): """YAML class that can dump to a string. By default the YAML parser doesn't serialize directly to a string. This class is a small wrapper to output StreamIO as a string if no stream is provided. See Note: This class should not be used directly but instead is instantiated as part of the yaml convenience methods below. Args: data (`object`): An object, usually dict-like. stream (`None` | stream, optional): A stream object to write the YAML. If default `None`, return value as string. **kwargs: Keywords passed to the `dump` function. Returns: `str`: The serialized object string. """ inefficient = False if stream is None: inefficient = True stream = StringIO() yaml = YAML() yaml.dump(data, stream, **kwargs) if inefficient: return stream.getvalue()
[docs]def to_json(obj, filename=None, append=True, **kwargs): """Convert a Python object to a JSON string. Will handle `datetime` objects as well as `astropy.unit.Quantity` objects. Astropy quantities will be converted to a dict: `{"value": val, "unit": unit}`. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> from panoptes.utils.serializers import to_json >>> from astropy import units as u >>> config = { "name": "Mauna Loa", "elevation": 3397 * u.meter } >>> to_json(config) '{"name": "Mauna Loa", "elevation": "3397.0 m"}' >>> to_json({"numpy_array": np.arange(10)}) '{"numpy_array": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}' >>> from panoptes.utils.time import current_time >>> to_json({"current_time": current_time()}) # doctest: +SKIP '{"current_time": "2019-04-08 22:19:28.402198"}' Args: obj (`object`): The object to be converted to JSON, usually a dict. filename (`str`, optional): Path to file for saving. append (`bool`, optional): Append to `filename`, default True. Setting False will clobber the file. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `json.dumps`. Returns: `str`: The JSON string representation of the object. """ try: json_str = json.dumps(obj, default=serialize_object, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise error.InvalidSerialization(e) if filename is not None: mode = 'w' if append: mode = 'a' with open(filename, mode) as fn: fn.write(json_str + '\n') return json_str
[docs]def from_json(msg): """Convert a JSON string into a Python object. Astropy quanitites will be converted from a ``{"value": val, "unit": unit}`` format. Additionally, the following units will be converted if the value ends with the exact string: * deg * m * s Time-like values are *not* parsed, however see example below. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> from panoptes.utils.serializers import from_json >>> config_str = '{"name":"Mauna Loa","elevation":{"value":3397.0,"unit":"m"}}' >>> from_json(config_str) {'name': 'Mauna Loa', 'elevation': <Quantity 3397. m>} # Invalid values will be returned as is. >>> from_json('{"horizon":{"value":42.0,"unit":"degr"}}') {'horizon': {'value': 42.0, 'unit': 'degr'}} # The following will convert if final string: >>> from_json('{"horizon": "42.0 deg"}') {'horizon': <Quantity 42. deg>} >>> from_json('{"elevation": "1000 m"}') {'elevation': <Quantity 1000. m>} >>> from_json('{"readout_time": "10 s"}') {'readout_time': <Quantity 10. s>} # Be careful with short unit names in extended format! >>> horizon = from_json('{"horizon":{"value":42.0,"unit":"d"}}') >>> horizon['horizon'] <Quantity 42. d> >>> horizon['horizon'].decompose() <Quantity 3628800. s> >>> from panoptes.utils.time import current_time >>> time_str = to_json({"current_time": current_time().datetime}) >>> from_json(time_str)['current_time'] # doctest: +SKIP 2019-04-08T06:43:28.232406 >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> Time(from_json(time_str)['current_time']) # doctest: +SKIP <Time object: scale='utc' format='isot' value=2019-04-08T06:43:28.232> Args: msg (`str`): The JSON string representation of the object. Returns: `dict`: The loaded object. """ try: new_obj = deserialize_all_objects(json.loads(msg)) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: raise error.InvalidDeserialization(f'Error: {e!r} Message: {msg!r}') return new_obj
[docs]def to_yaml(obj, **kwargs): """Serialize a Python object to a YAML string. This will properly serialize the following: * `datetime.datetime` * `astropy.time.Time` * `astropy.units.Quantity` Examples: Also see the examples `from_yaml`. .. doctest:: >>> import os >>> os.environ['POCSTIME'] = '1999-12-31 23:49:49' >>> from panoptes.utils.time import current_time >>> t0 = current_time() >>> t0 <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=1999-12-31 23:49:49.000> >>> to_yaml({'astropy time -> astropy time': t0}) "astropy time -> astropy time: '1999-12-31T23:49:49.000'\\n" >>> to_yaml({'datetime -> astropy time': t0.datetime}) "datetime -> astropy time: '1999-12-31T23:49:49.000'\\n" >>> # Can pass a `stream` parameter to save to file >>> with open('temp.yaml', 'w') as f: # doctest: +SKIP ... to_yaml({'my_object': 42}, stream=f) Args: obj (`dict`): The object to be converted to be serialized. **kwargs: Arguments passed to `ruamel.yaml.dump`. See Examples. Returns: `str`: The YAML string representation of the object. """ yaml = StringYAML() obj = serialize_all_objects(deepcopy(obj)) return yaml.dump(obj, **kwargs)
[docs]def from_yaml(msg, parse=True): """Convert a YAML string into a Python object. This is a thin-wrapper around `ruamel.YAML.load` that also parses the results looking for `astropy.units.Quantity` objects. Comments are preserved as long as the object remains YAML (lost on conversion to JSON, for example). See `from_json` for examples of astropy unit parsing. Examples: Note how comments in the YAML are preserved. .. doctest:: >>> config_str = '''name: Testing PANOPTES Unit ... pan_id: PAN000 ... ... location: ... latitude: 19.54 deg ... longitude: -155.58 deg ... name: Mauna Loa Observatory # Can be anything ... ''' >>> config = from_yaml(config_str) >>> config['location']['latitude'] <Quantity 19.54 deg> >>> yaml_config = to_yaml(config) >>> yaml_config # doctest: +SKIP ''' name: Testing PANOPTES Unit ... pan_id: PAN000 # CHANGE NAME ... ... location: ... latitude: 19.54 deg ... longitude: value: -155.58 deg ... name: Mauna Loa Observatory # Can be anything ... ''' >>> yaml_config == config_str True Args: msg (`str`): The YAML string representation of the object. parse (`bool`): If objects should be parsed via `_parse_all_objects`, default True. Returns: `collections.OrderedDict`: The ordered dict representing the YAML string, with appropriate object deserialization. """ obj = YAML().load(msg) if parse: obj = deserialize_all_objects(obj) return obj
[docs]def deserialize_all_objects(obj): """Recursively parse the incoming object for various data types. This will currently attempt to parse and return, in the following order: If ``obj`` is a dict with exactly two keys named ``unit`` and ``value``, then attempt to parse into a valid ``astropy.unit.Quantity``. A boolean. A `datetime.datetime` object as parsed by `dateutil.parser.parse`. If a string ending with any of ``['m', 'deg', 's']``, an ``astropy.unit.Quantity`` .. note:: See the `to/from_json/yaml` methods, which use this function. Args: obj (`dict` or `str` or `object`): Object to check for quantities. Returns: `dict`: Same as `obj` but with objects converted to quantities. """ if isinstance(obj, (dict, OrderedDict)): if 'value' in obj and 'unit' in obj: with suppress(ValueError): return obj['value'] * u.Unit(obj['unit']) for k, v in obj.items(): obj[k] = deserialize_all_objects(v) if isinstance(obj, bool): return bool(obj) # Try to parse as quantity if certain type if isinstance(obj, str) and obj > '': with suppress(IndexError): units_string = obj.rsplit()[-1] # Get the final word if units_string in ['m', 'deg', 's']: with suppress(Exception): return u.Quantity(obj) # Try to parse a ISO-8061 datetime string. with suppress(TypeError, ValueError): return date_parse(obj) return obj
[docs]def serialize_object(obj): """Serialize the given object. This is a custom serializer function used by ``to_json`` to serialize individual objects. Also called in a loop by ``serialize_all_objects``. >>> from panoptes.utils.serializers import serialize_object >>> from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parse >>> from astropy import units as u >>> serialize_object(42 * u.meter) '42.0 m' >>> party_time = date_parse('1999-12-31 11:59:59') >>> type(party_time) <class 'datetime.datetime'> >>> serialize_object(party_time) '1999-12-31T11:59:59.000' .. note:: See the `to/from_json/yaml` methods, which use this function. Args: obj (any): The object to be serialized. Returns: """ # Astropy Quantity. if isinstance(obj, u.Quantity): return str(obj) # Astropy Time-like (including datetime). with suppress(ValueError): if isinstance(Time(obj), Time): return Time(obj).isot # Numpy array. if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() # Exceptions - if not a class object, then `issubclass` raises a `TypeError`, # so we ignore those and let the object pass through. with suppress(TypeError): if issubclass(obj, Exception): return str(obj) return obj
[docs]def serialize_all_objects(obj): """Iterate the ``obj`` items and serialize each value. .. note:: See the `to/from_json/yaml` methods, which use this function. Args: obj (dict): The dictionary object to be iterated. Returns: dict: The same as ``obj`` but with the values serialized. """ for k, v in obj.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): obj[k] = serialize_all_objects(v) else: obj[k] = serialize_object(v) return obj