Source code for panoptes.utils.utils

import os
import shutil

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz
from astropy.coordinates import ICRS
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

from panoptes.utils.time import current_time

[docs]def listify(obj): """ Given an object, return a list. Always returns a list. If obj is None, returns empty list, if obj is list, just returns obj, otherwise returns list with obj as single member. If a `dict` object is passed then this function will return a list of *only* the values. .. doctest:: >>> listify(42) [42] >>> listify('foo') ['foo'] >>> listify(None) [] >>> listify(['a']) ['a'] >>> my_dict = dict(a=42, b='foo') >>> listify(my_dict) [42, 'foo'] >>> listify(my_dict.values()) [42, 'foo'] >>> listify(my_dict.keys()) ['a', 'b'] Returns: list: You guessed it. """ if obj is None: return list() elif isinstance(obj, list): return obj elif isinstance(obj, dict): return list(obj.values()) elif isinstance(obj, (, return list(obj) else: return [obj]
[docs]def get_free_space(directory=None): """Return the amoung of freespace in gigabytes for given directory. >>> from panoptes.utils.utils import get_free_space >>> get_free_space() <Quantity ... Gbyte> >>> get_free_space(directory='/') <Quantity ... Gbyte> Args: directory (str, optional): Path to directory. If None defaults to root. Returns: astropy.units.Quantity: The number of gigabytes avialable in folder. """ directory = directory or os.path.abspath('/') _, _, free_space = shutil.disk_usage(directory) free_space = (free_space * u.byte).to(u.gigabyte) return free_space
[docs]def altaz_to_radec(alt=None, az=None, location=None, obstime=None, **kwargs): """Convert alt/az degrees to RA/Dec SkyCoord. >>> from panoptes.utils.utils import altaz_to_radec >>> from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation >>> from astropy import units as u >>> keck = EarthLocation.of_site('Keck Observatory') ... >>> altaz_to_radec(alt=75, az=180, location=keck, obstime='2020-02-02T20:20:02.02') <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg (281.78..., 4.807...)> >>> # Can use quantities or not. >>> alt = 4500 * u.arcmin >>> az = 180 * >>> altaz_to_radec(alt=alt, az=az, location=keck, obstime='2020-02-02T20:20:02.02') <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg (281.78..., 4.807...)> >>> # Will use current time if none given. >>> altaz_to_radec(alt=35, az=90, location=keck) <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg (..., ...)> >>> # Must pass a `location` instance. >>> altaz_to_radec() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ... assert location is not None AssertionError Args: alt (astropy.units.Quantity or scalar): Altitude. az (astropy.units.Quantity or scalar): Azimuth. location (astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation, required): A valid location. obstime (None, optional): Time for object, defaults to `current_time` Returns: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord: Coordinates corresponding to the AltAz. """ assert location is not None if obstime is None: obstime = current_time() alt = get_quantity_value(alt, 'degree') * az = get_quantity_value(az, 'degree') * altaz = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location, alt=alt, az=az) return SkyCoord(altaz.transform_to(ICRS()))
[docs]def get_quantity_value(quantity, unit=None): """ Thin-wrapper around the `astropy.units.Quantity.to_value` method. If passed something other than a Quantity will simply return the original object. >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from panoptes.utils.utils import get_quantity_value >>> get_quantity_value(60 * u.second) 60.0 >>> # Can convert between units. >>> get_quantity_value(60 * u.minute, unit='second') 3600.0 >>> get_quantity_value(60 * u.minute, unit=u.second) 3600.0 >>> get_quantity_value(60) 60 Args: quantity (astropy.units.Quantity or scalar): Quantity to extract numerical value from. unit (astropy.units.Unit, optional): unit to convert to. Returns: float: numerical value of the Quantity after conversion to the specified unit. """ try: return quantity.to_value(unit) except AttributeError: return quantity